Insurance Carrier Contact Information

We take Customer Service very seriously. We work hard to always display the proper spirit in working to keep you protected. Our office hours are from 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday – Thursday (Fridays by pre-arranged appointment only). Please note coverage cannot be bound nor endorsement made by leaving a message. We highly recommend that existing client’s sign up for a periodic new letter for updates on new insurance markets that may become available and for helpful information regarding Athena Insurance. 

Customer Services Directory

Company NameBilling & PaymentsWebsiteClaims phone #
AEGIS 800-233-2160 AEGIS
Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty [email protected] Loss Mailing: Allianze Global Corporate & Specialty ATTN: FNOL Claims Unit
One Progress Point Parkway, 2nd Floor O'Fallon, MO 63368
1-800-558-1616 Inside U.S. / 1-314-513-1345 Outsite U.S.
Athene Life ( Formerly Aviva Life )
American Collectors856-779-1812856-779-7212
American Modern800-543-2644
California Fair PlanCalifornia Fair Plan800-252-0089
Chubb Farm & RanchGeneral Inqueries 800 585-9624 / Fax 515-559-1201 / Billing 800-858-9624 Chubb Agribusiness800 585-9624 Ext 3
Chubb Commercial 800 233-8347800 233-8347
Chubb Personal Lines800585-9624
CNA Surety
Foremost Insurance Insurance (not flood) Pay OnlinePhone 800-527-3905 To pay online 24/7 click on link to the left in the left hand columnForemost Claims 800-527-3904
Flood Insurance all carriersBill PayReport Claim or pay bill
Hartford800 771-8557Claims 800 243-5860
HCC Surety209-223-1870
Allied Property and Casualty Insurance Company
Hippo 800 585-0705
[email protected]
855 999-9746
[email protected]
HCC Specialty209-223-1870
HISCOX888 202-3007 424-8508 [email protected]
Hiscox1-866-283-7545Hiscox Now
MAPFRE / Commerce West877-627-3735MAPFRE Insurance
Markel800 362-7535
Fax 855 662-7535
[email protected]
Palomar - Earthquake & FloodPalomar Website
SageSureSageSure Website(800) 481-0622
State Compensation...209-223-1870
Shield Insurance209-223-1870
State Compensation Insurance FundSCIF Pay OnlineState Compensation Insurance Fund
Zurich U.S. / USA Assure209-223-1870